Calligraphy is a spiritual geometry produced by material implements.

One day, the world famous painter Picasso saw the work of master calligrapher and could not help crying
"This is art!" because of the authentic aesthetic he withnesed: Islamic Calligraphy.

There are basically six styles in Islamic calligraphy. Also  known as "Aklam-i Sitte", "Seskalem", These styles
are " Sülüs, Nesih, reyhani, Tevki and Rika" and are considered to be developed by the famous calligrapher
Yakut in Baghdad  of the 13th century. However, the art of Islamic calligraphy had its rules set and developed by
the great master of Sultan Fatih's reign, Seikh Hamdullah of Amasya. The other styles of Islamic Calligraphy
are "Kufi, Rik'a, Divani, Siakat".

One of its best examples with Hagia Sophia Tablets made by Kadiasker Mustafa Izzet Efendi.

(...from the booklet of ADN)

some Hüsn-i Hat (Calligraphy) samples from the ADN booklet


Illimination - Tugra - Ferman - Marbling - Engraving - Calligraphy - Miniature - View of Turkey


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